What You Get From Nascent Iodine

02/09/2010 13:10

Nascent iodine is one form of iodine more readily absorbed by the body, as it is in its atomic and not in the molecular form. In its excited state, it is ultra bioavailable. As a matter of fact, is the most efficient, quick and secure way to get your daily dose. Numerous people are using it for different reasons like for water purification, especially when going camping or in emergency situations,  to boost energy, especially when suffering from iodine deficiency, to improve thyroid function and metabolic regulation, as an antiseptic as defense against infection, to help maintain and improve systems of detoxification and immunity.

Years ago, nascent iodine was valued only in its part to maintain the general welfare and health of the thyroid gland specifically in the production of T3 and T4, hormones and their influence on metabolism. But as research has found additional information about it, it has become more precious, because it showed its significance as a crucial factor in the process of detoxification. The importance of nascent iodine supplementation has become even more pronounced due to the decrease in the amount in the modern diet.

Just two drops of nascent iodine per day can go a long way to maintain a healthy body, although some may take up to 10 drops depending on individual needs. The energy boosting benefit had been noted just right after the first dose, especially for those who are insufficient of it. However, be cautious when taking this especially when you have a sensitive stomach or are allergic to the substance. Ask for advice from your doctor about special instructions on the use of this.